1 definition by A victim of a Max Barbour

If someone has any of the following, they're a Max Barbour;

- The type of guy that can get everyone's attention but never give you any back

- They are nice to you if it's just you and them until someone more interesting comes along (even in the middle of a conversation)

- Don't open up despite their clear issues


- The type to rarely message you unless they want something

- You must always please them or be some worth to them or they'll ignore you

- They use "turning up to your hangouts" as a conditional event

- Never say thank you

- Always changes your hangout ideas to what they want to do

- Always says that they're going to pay you back but NEVER EVER mention they owe you anything

- Treats you like a worthless piece of shit and or acts like they can replace you with anyone at anytime

- KEEPS TRYING TO FLEX HIS WEALTH (I'm talking about his work, chicks/guys after him and literally anything you don't have, he will talk about

Overall a Max Barbour is an absolute dickhead to everyone and yet everyone loves him but nobody likes him
Oh look here comes a Max Barbour! Better kiss their ass so they can treat me like shit!
by A victim of a Max Barbour November 3, 2022
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