2 definitions by A heterosexual Caucasian male

A space opera franchise that tells stories about various groups of terrorists who usually ally themselves with a cult of space wizards who go fight their galaxy wide government, where half the fan base are constantly at each other's throats over childish opinions with some fans sending death threats to each other for liking a different movie than them.
"Hello There" - Jesus Christ (19BBY)

Star Wars is good tho
by A heterosexual Caucasian male September 17, 2020
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A franchise that tells stories about various terrorists teaming up with a cult of space wizards who go up against their galaxy spanning government, where the entire fan base argues with each other about retarded opinions that make no sense and some fans who send death threats to people who like a different movie than them.
"Hello There" - Jesus Christ (19BBY)

Star Wars
by A heterosexual Caucasian male September 17, 2020
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