1 definition by 1by1_the real

A very beautiful human being that deserves the world. Is also goofy as fuck and very chill once you get to know them. She or he likes to keep their social circle tight (meaning no outsiders). She or he don't like talk to people or getting to know new people. They also like to get out of their comfort zone! They also do things that people won't imagine them doing ! (They are very undercover and low key with a lot things therefore when they tell u they do certain things you will be very shock!) and THEY ARE BIG FREAKS EVEN THOUGH THEY MIGHT NOT SHOW IT! And not regular freaky but a big freak! So watch out ! But they also are fun loving people and just want to be loved. They also hate being annoyed that's the biggest way to get unfriend!!
Looking for a goofy and chill friend get a Mahogani.
by 1by1_the real June 6, 2019
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