2 definitions by ЖАннон006-ملايو

The people of the malay lands (present brunei, indonesia, malaysia, and southern thailand) and most were skilled ship builders and farmers in the 18th-century.

People who are extremely loyal to their sultan no matter what and are almost exclusively muslim even though a tiny fraction isn't and they would'nt be accepted as malays.

The people who are always mistaken in popular media and most of the world as singaporeans and/or indonesians even though malaysia and brunei are sovereign in their own rights respectively.
American: look! A malay, you must be from singapore.

Malay: No, I'm from Malaysia.
by ЖАннон006-ملايو January 5, 2021
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The people of the malay lands (present brunei, indonesia, malaysia, and southern thailand) and most were skilled ship builders and farmers in the 18th-century.

People who are extremely loyal to their sultan no matter what and are almost exclusively muslim even though a tiny fraction isn't and they would'nt be accepted as malays.

The people who are always mistaken in popular media and most of the world as singaporeans and/or indonesians even though malaysia and brunei are sovereign in their own rights respectively.
American: look! A malay, you must be from singapore.

Malay: No, I'm from Malaysia.
by ЖАннон006-ملايو January 5, 2021
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