1 definition by @sademoji 👉👈🥺

Catfishing is when you create an instagram account to see if your "bf" is cheating on you
When you catfish someone, you create a fake account and go onto Instagram to add a hot,fake profile picture and add a different name so then you text him (or her ion judge) and they say that they are single,even tho they are not,(yet)and then you play them for a while till you go ona sad topic and then when they tell you that they have cried, you tell them that you cried too, them they ask who did it bcs they are going to beat them up and then you say that that was so nice of them that you almost forgot how mad u are at them. then they say, what? what did i do? and then you tell them its you. then he goes out of his way trying to make things right, trying to make u feel bad, trying to make you forgive them, but then you tell them that you are done with this shit and that you are done with the lies.
Thats when you stop texting them and you start txtin other ppl and thats when you fall for other ppl again but then you make a promise to yourself to not date online again bcs they always cheat.

Then you take the screen out of your window and sit on the 2nd floor window and drink some tequila you found in your parents "secret" cabinet and you wonder if you should just jump but then you get drunk and want to escape but then you fall inside (on your bed) and then you hide the screen behind the closet and then you go and close the window and cry in the darkness of your bathroom bcs no one would listen to you and no one was there to hold you.

add me on insta @sademoji78
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