2 definitions by 'n stuffs

A very expensive, overrated, overdone piece of $20.00 a month SHIT. It's very boring and it costs way too much.
I played World of Warcraft for 4 minutes and saw how low online games are sinking.
by 'n stuffs September 1, 2007
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A store thats says its for 7-14 year old girls, but the only people that shop there are teenybopper sluts who are only 6. Sells thinks like jeans and t-shirts in the 20-40$ range and rip really easily (trust me I tried to rip one and it didnt even take a small tug at the seam)
And brightly colored bras that have 50 layers of padding. They also have cheesey commercials.
Jessica and Chloe spent 250$ at limited too.
by 'n stuffs September 2, 2007
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