When you take a condom stick, it in your partner's anus then blow it up. After that you cum inside it and push the ass cheeks together to squeeze the air out of the condom and shoot the cum in to your mouth.
Jim:I gave Aunt Stacy a yogurt machine last night and she didn't walk right for a week.

Todd:Yeah I was wondering what happened. Interesting.
by Stefan Ivanov December 15, 2007
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Somehting that constantly barf or has diahrreah.
by Nuclear Muffin September 8, 2003
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While engaged in sex, it is the art of dropping a fat deuce on the sex partners chest that curls up like frozen yogurt. That would make the producer of the turd the yogurt machine.
Oh this is a large poop. It has curled up. You are like a Wyoming yogurt machine.
by Smith2069 July 26, 2016
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