the system that due to its first appearance on the market as of november will outsell both the PS3 and the Nintendo reveloution. While it will sell more like the DS did to the PSP it will eventually end up the lesser system and fall behind in sales in years to come in the console wars. Originally called the Xenon
Pimp Poser: Yo son you gotta' check out the X-Box 360, it be tight.

posers mangina: but it will suck later do you concur?

Pimp Poser: Bitch did you just contradict me (slap! slap!) im right you're wrong now go make money ho!
by The Nispe August 1, 2005
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Pete: last night was messy. i can't even remember getting home.
Jonny: you think that's bad? i woke up and found an x-box 360 in my bed.
Pete: again?
Jonny: what can i say. I'm a dedicated player.
by joany April 17, 2007
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The Xbox 360 was the first next-gen console to appear, but it could not take full advantage of this head-start. Despite appearing in 2005, it has so far failed to gain massive support - mostly thanks to an unspectacular set of games. Now it seems doomed to fall behind thanks to the sheer power of the PS3 (MGS 4, anyone?) and the supreme originality of the Wii. Halo 3 might prolong its life thanks to fanboys, but Sony and Nintendo are already set to rule the next-gen war in 2007.
'Okay, we've got Dead Rising... and Halo 3, when that comes out... and lots of PS2 games that are prettier on the X-box 360 than on the PS2.'
'Yeah, but... the PS3 has MGS 4. And just look at the Wii's controller.'
'Damn. We're screwed. Still, I can't wait for MGS 4...'
by madmurch September 19, 2006
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Microsofts next gen system, that will be nothing compared to PS3 and the rev or wii...

in other words, a way for microsoft to sell Halo 3 for $400.
Joe: im gonna get halo 3, its a great game and only 50 dollars....
Fred: but u have to get a x-box 360 first...
Joe: oh yea, that means i have to spend $400...
by pachu June 5, 2006
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The cheap alternative to the PS3 but with better sound and graphics quality than the Wii. The console for Halo geeks.
The system called X-Box 360 is about $299-$399, PS3 gazillion dollars.
by BoofBoof August 23, 2006
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The X-box 360 for poor kids who will never become anything in life... and they are also noobs
hey man, look at jerry, hes so fucked up he only has an x-box 360 core
by Potato Bill 123 November 8, 2005
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