Used to describe a female character from comic books, anime, or video games who behaves in a lewd manner. In most cases, the woman will have a distinctive costume, as well as powers and/or abilities beyond that of a normal person.
I just came across a picture of Wonder Woman having sex with the entire Justice League. Man, what a wonderslut!
by Graham Parsons Project August 4, 2014
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A person who travels the world and has sex with people wherever they go.
Stop snapchating me with random pics of you having sex with foreigners, you're such a wonderslut.
by Mirajane April 24, 2014
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A female who has romantic or seemingly sexual relations without being sexual. At all.
That heteroromantic asexual girl is such a wonderslut; she makes out with everyone.
by penguindenny March 7, 2015
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