Something that idiots like u people will never have especially people with the name Kayla
U has no luck
by Sukds August 14, 2013
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When something happens that is so improbable, it becomes unreasonable to assume that it’s legitimate. The phrase is a reference to Dream, a Minecraft speedrunner who attempted to write off his cheating as “just good luck”. Dream Luck is often used ironically to undermine the improbability of a given event.
Johnny flipped a coin 1,000 times and it never landed on heads! He’s either got dream luck, or that coin is rigged.
by SilverGold January 9, 2021
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This insane amount of luck that follows around any wiffler and grants the user with the luck of the correct choice. By doing this he causes everyone to exclaim "HOW!" The user can also lend his/her luck to an opponent for them to have a chance!

~Specializes in:
-For loot games
-And any other game

!Mostly exploited by Sigils when doing Sigil and Biffle Science!

To unlock press up up down down shift shift and pray to the Biffle.

Just a reminder: to hit that like button, and that Henwy licks toes, also sigils has weak knees!
Sigils: BRO! What is this! HOW! Explain how you did that!
Biffle: It's just-
Henwy: *Henwy left the game*
Ssundee: Dude, it's the biffle luck!
*Next Round*
Sigils: He better not get it again.
Biffle: *Gets it again*
Sigils: *SLAMS DESK* I'm DoNe!
by HILOLTOO June 3, 2022
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A moment or situation where bad luck in a video game is so awful, it can only be caused by Miketendo
Person 1: “Damn! I got hit from a Goomba which bonked me into a black hole!
Person 2: “That’s Mike Luck for ya. It just happens”
by JustJustin5117 November 7, 2020
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Named for the hero of Spider-Man; refers to the kind of fortune where small victories are overshadowed by crushing demoralizing setbacks. This trait may be heriditary in Spider-Man's case, as his parents were successful CIA agents but died in an plane crash.
"My aunt is in a coma, I'm a fugitive from the law, and I can't help but feel something bad is about to happen to my marriage...damn this Parker Luck!"
by onimaruxlr November 5, 2007
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the result of something through totally random circumstances - could refer to a situation either in someone's good luck or misfortune.
"I called that company and asked if they had any openings, and they told me they weren't hiring right now. But when I sent in my resume a few days later, they called me up and told me there's a position that would be perfect for my credentials. Hmmmm...luck of the draw I guess!"

"You mean to tell me that when you asked her to go with you to the dance, she said yes?? Geez....she told me she HATES going to those things! That's the luck of the draw for you!"
by Bungalow Bill September 15, 2006
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another way of saying "that's too bad" or "you'll have to deal with it"
You need to go to your locker? Tough luck; I don't give hall passes!
by kasey White December 10, 2003
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