n. Wimp- one who acts cowardly.
Syn. Keystoneagent
Ant. PandaHenchman
"That guy is such a wimp. Like, omg Keystone, why do you have to be one"
by Jiff Jifferson January 11, 2017
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When under social pressure to follow the crowd to do something or act a certain way and refusing to do so results in being called a "wimp". When in actuality it being someone of inner strength to resist.
Ah, come on, jump the do not cross fence! We did it! Quit being such a wimp!
by 1111@#4 February 9, 2020
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A person who doesn't read their project to a class
Isabel is a wimp for not reading their paper to the class.
by The _ Reverse September 18, 2020
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