1)a word used to define itself and nothing more than a filler word when your own lives exhibit nothing to talk about

2)I am completely frustrated either politically, sexually, or situationally

3)an exclamation of nerdiness usually involving magic the gathering or anime or dungeons and dragons at gay bars
"Matt, can we buy magic cards?" -M.B.F.
"WERH!!" -Matt
by M C M June 12, 2008
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1. A verbal dismissal used as a response to a speaker, with the intent to downplay the perceived intelligence of the speaker. Often used in response to a seemingly clever remark.

2. An attempt to change the subject by denouncing the importance of the current conversation. The most notable example of this use is by Natalie Portman's character from the movie Garden State.
1. "Hey, Matt, you know what's awesome? Me!"

2. Olivia: Oh, she wants you to see it. How could you not want him to see how talented you are?
Sam: Werh!
by Flanagax June 12, 2008
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