The word used to describe the age of a younger woman more so than a man. Most commonly used for a under age girl by a older guy.
As Steve and Eric were at the bar doing shots they noticed that the bar was packed with hot tender baby Veal that was ripe for the picking.
by Mr. Molester June 17, 2008
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Large freshy area the hangs off a woman's virgina.
Peel back the Veal Flaps and drive the Meat Bus home because Daddy's gotta cum.
by xxjjpxx September 15, 2003
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u are a cock, simple as... and oh is ur mom pregnant well can i have me 50p back.... and tell her she crap!!!
freddy would have cumed in ur ass, make u scream for more coz u no u love the willy
by freddy lovers April 12, 2005
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a confused smelling individual who thinks he is a chick magnet and can take anyone out in a fight.
Veale...See Dirty Sanchez...see stumpler.....see Giant Douche
by G_Prime November 11, 2006
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A veal fattening pen is a work environment where the employee sits within a cube farm. In addition to the inconvenience of having no privacy in the veal-fattening pen, a whole series of specialized organizational products will now require purchase or you'll have no place to put your gear. i.e. T-pins instead of push-pins and so on. See also: cube farm
It is time to quit your job when the walls come in for your new veal-fattening pen; for by next week you'll be working in a cube farm.
by ginger petunia May 16, 2004
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An expression used to express the dismay one has about their country when we see constant examples of how we pander to the lowest common demoninator of our society. Examples are endless and represent the beginning of the eventual demise of this great nation. (Also NoVC)
- Why do drive up ATM machines have Braille instructions, NoVC!
- Why do I have to release my fucking GPS system from liability everytime I start my goddamn car, NoVC!
- Why do ladders have 20 fucking warning labels on them telling you not to do things that only a moron would think of, NoVC!
- Why do juries award the dumbass parents of an imbecile child that died of carbon monoxide poisoning because they let it teak surf behind a boat, NoVC!
- Why do we complain about kids' video games and music being too violent, then we get them fucking counselors when some dipship at their school offs themselves, NATION OF VEAL CALVES!
- Fuck the ACLU, btw.
by Devon Null June 21, 2006
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