A terrible condition afflicting African-American males living in suburban and/or predominately white demographical locations.

Characterized by attraction to a Caucasian (white) female, usually with a smaller ass to waist ratio than her black counterpart, by a Black male.
Nigga, Tyrell got that urban fever boi! He be smashin Emily Smith on the daily!
by ryan bob smith john October 29, 2009
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When a person does absolutely nothing but look at definitions on Urban Dictionary. There is no cure for Urban Dictionary Fever; the infected suffer until they pass out from dehydration or exhaustion. (They also tend to soil themselves because they don’t get up to go to the bathroom.)
Mike: Dude, all Jason’s been doing for the last 14 hours is reading definitions on Urban Dictionary, and he smells like shit.

Matt: I think he has Urban Dictionary Fever.

Mike: Sick dude.
by Dewit May 15, 2009
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