A ruse designed to fool UPS customers into believing that a jet airplane will be utilized to help deliver their package in two days when in actuality, a semi-truck is utilized most of the time, causing late deliveries to occur.
What a rip, I paid fifteen bucks extra for UPS 2nd Day Air and UPS took 4 days to deliver my package!
by That70sGuy April 8, 2017
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Similar to the phrase "Blowing smoke up my ass" but telling a person a lie to avoid telling the truth. This is especially done when caught in the wrong or other compromising positions.
"Jim caught his wife with another man at McDonalds; they were holding hands and everything!"
"Really, what happened?"
"Well she started trying to say the guy was just a friend"
"yep, I heard Jim kicked her ass to the curb, now she's staying with her 'friend' at his place."
"Man doesn't that beat all."
"Yes sir. I don't know how he's handling it so well... I would kill my wife if she was cheating on me, and then tried Blowing Air Up My Ass."
by wisemanoncesaid January 24, 2014
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