Twin day is the day you celebrate your real twin or your twin as a title it can be celebrated on Fridays.
by FadedVampire1 October 24, 2019
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the one day of the year (nov 20th) that you and someone else have to dress up the same
happy national twin day on novemeber 20th
by funkymonkey22 November 2, 2019
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The day where you appreciate your twin for being there for you. (November 18) Thank your twin NOW!!!
Thanks you for everything Twin...
National twin day BITCHHH
by Dojgetthatcash November 19, 2021
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the thing gianna will do to me, celebrated on OCTOBER 15TH
me: “oh yeah yeah he’s fine don’t worry”
my twin: *gets hurt at game*
gianna: “kick your crush’s twin day is october 15th now. be ready”
by ttuurrttlleessaarreeccooll October 15, 2019
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National Slap Your Older Twin Day, occuring annually on April 17, gives the younger twin a free pass to slap their older twin. Maybe it's pent up resentment for being beat out of the womb, maybe it's just for fun, either way: they're free to slap.
"My twin slapped my today, but it's okay because it's April 17, so it's national Slap Your Older Twin Day, and she's the younger twin"
by colinisadumbass1234 April 17, 2020
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