The worst word in history used to describe 8-12 year olds when 8-10 year olds are nothin like 11-12 year olds. Pre-teens (10-12 year olds) hate being called such an annoying derogatory term and you should never use it.
Mom: RaIsInG A tWeEn Is So HaRd!!!
12 yr old: I my goood mom SHUT UP
11 yr old: *dies of embarrassment*
10 yr old: Wtf is a “tween”???
8 year old: Yeah what even does that mean? Sounds stupid.
9 year old: How could you even compare an 8 year old to an 11 year old? Why would you compare me to 12 year old?? We are nothing a like!!
by Icy gurl January 19, 2019
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A Tween is from ages 10-12.Tweens are not exactly what you think they are.Some of them are but not all of them.Tweens are usually not fully mature but not children either.They make dumb mistakes but they absolutely do not still beg for toys.It is short for between because it is between a child and a teen.
by TouchMeYouDie March 4, 2018
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A tween is at age 12. The first two letters are tw belonging to twelve and tween. And een means you are almost a teen.
by pendseaadi November 10, 2018
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its the most akward period anybody has ever gone through its between teen and child
omg shes such a tween
by TheBanana6000 August 18, 2015
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its the most akward period anybody has ever gone through its between teen and child
omg shes such a tween
by TheBanana6000 August 18, 2015
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A dark, horrible place everyone has to go through but never wants to go back to.
Carrie would throw her tween self down a flight of stairs.
by Finical_trash June 6, 2015
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1)a twenty-something who still acts like,dresses like, or hangs out with(a)teenager(s)
2)a twenty-something who follows the fads and pop culture of current teenagers
that tween needs to grow up (?)
by fulltiltmonkey August 29, 2007
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