An ignorant blowhard who makes a lot of noise, blindly and militantly, defending Donald Trump... Especially fond of Trolling on social media. Also known as a "Trump Troll" or "Trumpkin".
Nothing but Trumpettes and Paulbots on this Tea Party thread. The trolls have taken over.
by Duchess1963 August 10, 2015
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Don't ask Lisa who she's voting for, that dumbass is a Trumpette.
by lane3192 July 21, 2016
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American(s) who solely rely on their master. They have a brain, but choose not to use it. They believe, and will do, anything their master says. They will follow their master, even if the master leads them to their own death.
"Hurry, turn on FOX News, our master has some more advice about how to get rid of the fake virus." quipped the TrumPette.
by GBSSSY May 10, 2020
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Trumpette:. A die-hard supporter of Trump Known to make loud otherworldly noise much like a beginner trumpeteer. Despite being very loud they do not know how bad or loud they sound. They think they are performing a wake up call. They are also tone deaf.
The Trumpette believed levery idea from Fox news.
by Harmony1812 September 5, 2019
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The Trumpettes are a group of gals who love President Trump and will vote for him!
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A noun describing the typical Donald Trump supporter who cannot handle a primary loss. A Salty Trumpette may be identified by a high saline content and load bemoanings about lawsuits when something does not go it's way.
Did you hear that Donna is planning on litigation against the bowling league due to her recent losses? I guess she's a Salty Trumpette. Trump Butt Hurt Donald Trump Rusty Trombone
by JewManChu April 6, 2016
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Trump fan who feels entitled to spew right wing political opinion.
Trumpetts attacked and infiltrated The Capital!
by waketardy February 27, 2022
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