A town in the middle of nowhere where there's nothing to do, all of the teens smoke pot/ vape and all of the adults do meth. Practically every one who lives here doesn't want to live here but has to for some reason. And also every one here is depressed for some reason.
Person 1: I hate North Platte I wish I could leave here.
Person 2: What did you say? I was too stoned to listen to you
by Dhdndj gay August 6, 2018
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A South-Western town in Nebraska. Widely known for it’s rail-yard, the Bailey Yard. If you live here you either were raised here out in the country and are forced to stay. Seriously, nobody with decent intelligence wants to stay in North Platte. Yet, in some way, people are stuck here. You probably fit into one of these five large-known stereotypes in North Platte. 1. You’re a sporty prep with a lot of friends and we’re born into either a middle class or high class family that can afford most things. 2. You’re a stoner. Pretty common here, majority of people in this fucking town have missing teeth because of their hard ass meth addictions. Your parents either support you in this lifestyle or you’re matching the stereotype here and drifting away from your family’s dreams of being a nurse. Or you grew up in a gang. 3. You’re a weird outcast and find it funny to be loud and obnoxious and probably have hair growing in places it shouldn’t. 4. Your whole personality is based off of tiktok and resulted you into having a cottage core mushroom lesbian phase. 5. You grew up on a family farm and have a mullet and a package of toothpicks in your bag just to suck on during class. Mmm. That nice wooden taste. Reminds me of that deer I killed last month. In result, this town fucking sucks. Never fucking move here unless you want hospitalized depression, or weed.
Person 1: So where do you live?
Person 2: North Platte.
Person 1: What now?
Person 2: You don’t wanna know.
by hairyballsinyomouf October 6, 2021
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A small city of 20,000 people in mid-western Nebraska.

Home to Buffalo Bill's ranch, one of the worlds largest railroad yards, cows, and a bunch of dumb hicks.

Most intelligent people leave North Platte by the time they reach twenty. The rest live a sad existence forever tormented by the regret of staying behind.

The only things to do there are to hang out at Wal-Mart, drive monster trucks, go huntin and fishin, or drink cheap beer.
Person one: "Dude, I hate my life."

Person two: "You must be from North Platte."
by HmmmIsee March 17, 2011
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A trash ass town loacated in Louisiana where you are most likely dating your cousin , Ville Platte is mostly known for their school Ville Platte High , for their football team known as “The Bulldogs” Ville Platte is full of drug dealers and the Females body counts is probably in the double digits
Bill; have you ever been to Ville Platte
Kyle: Yes! Everyone is so rude
by fluffybunny12 March 31, 2019
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The shittiest and most boring town ever in Misery, USA.
Person1: Where do you live?
Person2: Platte County.
Person1: I'm sorry.
by IHateThisTown. July 7, 2011
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North Platte is the shittiest town in Nebraska. While being the center of commerce for a 100 mile radius, it houses some of the dirtiest, stupid people across America. Named after one of the rivers that travel through it, the name of the town should be Twin Platte, or even just Platte. Many people traveling along I-80 find this an nice place to stop, as it is the only thing around for at least 100 miles. Don't fall into the trap of living in North Platte.
"Man, are you retarded or something?"

"No, I is from North Platte"
by Guitar_player05 February 27, 2009
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The worlds most boring town, where there is nothing but football and wrestling.
by Cooter August 26, 2003
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