(adj.) To be so tired as to feel like shit and as to feel like you are numb to everything.
Man, I'm so tired as shit, I can't even keep my eyes open; I'm so tired I can't even get turned on by this porno. And I'm usually horny as hell when I'm tired or awake in the slightest sense of the word.
by papermachete October 29, 2005
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Some one who is lazy or unmotivated to complete a task.

Originates from a Welshman who worked on quarry equipment in Coalville.
Neil won't do his work. " Neil you tired little shit get on with it!"
by Fountain of wisdom August 15, 2014
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A condition of emotional and moral Exhaustion produced by the the Demonstrably False belief that being Nice and doing Extra Work will convince a Just and Angry god to hand an evil and exploiting bastard his Comeuppance.

None of your Friends think you will ultimately take Effective Action. Instead, they think you will work There until death or Retirement.
Can you believe it? I stayed late to finsh building that cage and she had the freakin' nerve to ask me to take out the trash! I am So Tired of this Shit
by panchoosey January 15, 2012
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