when a person of the negro race and/or gender has a reasonably large bum
timothy one thicc nigga
by thicc shmeat boy November 16, 2017
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Yooo I just played that shit, thicc niggas and anime tiddies for my gf and got the best head of my life... then I woke up to my anime body pillow...
by PumpedUpKikes January 24, 2018
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You know that nigga, that be thicc af but u ain’t wanna say it cuz that shit sound gay. But either way he a thicc ass nigga and that ass look like planets colliding? Yh, das a thicc. Ass. Nigga.
by Bumbaclat homeboy October 7, 2018
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This is the dude that walks around the hallways with a wolf mask like hes running the 100m dash and also buy japanese soda bottles on ebay for fun.
Did you see Thicc Soda Nigga today I heard he bought 16 japanese soda bottles for $16
by TheLeatherRecliner November 2, 2018
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This dude bools around in the hallway like hes running the 100 meter dash and bought 6 japanese soda bottles for $16
Wow did you see Thicc Soda Nigga I heard he bought 6 sodas for $16!!!
by TheLeatherRecliner November 2, 2018
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