Post operative sex reassigned from guy to a girl= gurl
Gurl you have to let those shoulders out in that dress, you built like a football play
by Urbana Bob September 29, 2019
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A kiddy gurl is like a funny nickname mostly used when speaking to someone you love or someone you care a lot about. You don’t really use it around friends you aren’t close to because it’s sort of an odd term KAK.
by xxxkiddygurl November 10, 2018
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when two people, usually significant others, go back and forth saying a repeated phrase in a valley girl style voice.
girl: hey boi

boy: hey gurl

g:hey boi

b:hey gurl

everyone else in the room: will you shut up?

this is a valley-gurl volley
by honeybee62966 January 17, 2013
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