The sound of money being sucked out of the pocket of an Oregon Duck fan each time Nike introduces a new football uniform.
All of my co-workers got swooshed yesterday at The Duck Store, so I guess I'm eating lunch alone until payday.
by JohnnieWBlue October 4, 2011
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The sound a joke made when it flies over somebodies head.
Boy 1: Jake paul is my favourite youtuber
Boy 2: But he creates horrible content?? Why would you like him??
Boy 1: Swoosh. You're really slow in the head.
by BabadookBabe January 28, 2018
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the period when a person is between being tipsy and completely shit-faced
whoa stewie is hella swooshed
by vanessa, maddi, natalie January 1, 2008
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A symbol that looks like a brush-stroke.
by Xaviana December 2, 2003
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Pure net; the sound produced by a basketball, as it hits just the net.
Ten seconds to finnish, at the three pointer, it's off and swoosh San Antonio Spurs, win!
by arc_huprnikao June 19, 2014
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A proper (posh) person may act swoosh.
They are very swoosh.
by anairda64 June 19, 2009
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When you push out a shit that barely touches your rim hole. This type of shit usually takes less than 5 seconds to get out, remains in one piece and isn't too wet or too dry.
"Tommy saved a fuckload of toilet paper with that there SWOOSH! He only gave a courtesy wipe afterwards."
by Jado987 February 18, 2010
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