A wonky kind of shape. Usually peculiar. Often spotted when drunk, particularly in the Dutch region of Europe.
Oooh, look at all those Hollandish people, wandering around in peculiar squircles!!
by Harrysmum February 4, 2010
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A square circle, or a square with rounded edges.
I was walking while intoxicated, and i began walking in squircles.
by ultimategamer01 December 6, 2008
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What you get when you add a circle and a circle together.
The China Airlines Passenger was carrying a box that was in a squircle shape. Not quite all square but not round either, just kind of in a twisted shape way.
by Joshua Butler August 6, 2005
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When a group of squircle goers are away from the EOB squircle for a prolonged (2-3 days) period of time and need to get back asap
Dude, I need to see best friend and best friendstress in the squircle, i'm in total squircle withdrawal
by edjde July 22, 2019
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a shape between a circle and a square

a "portmanteau" of melting "square" and "circle" into one word
(like "Motel" is made up of "motor" and "hotel"
based on the shape of the "supercircle"
the ideal squircle makes it undecidable of it is a shape closer to the circle or the square
the word was coined in 1966
Our boardroom table has the shape of a squircle.

Airplane windows are squircles
by panelito March 30, 2019
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The act of eating the remnants after squicking.
As if squicking his victim wasn't heinous enough, the murderer went on to commit squircle after her death.
by DiCkBuTt November 2, 2020
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