noun (n.) spark-uh-bull A plant or otherwise organic material that becomes luminous with the measured application of a bic lighter.

commonly misunderstood as a verb. This usually occurs after the sparkable has been liberally inhaled.
nounsense- "I've had a long day. I think I need a sparkable."

"I have some extra sparkable that you are more than welcome to."

verbage- "I'm so high right now, when did we sparkable?"
by Zinzin May 18, 2010
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noun (n.) spark-uh-bull A plant, or otherwise organic material, that becomes luminous with the measured application of a bic lighter.

commonly misunderstood as a verb. This usually occurs after the sparkable has been liberally inhaled.
nounsense- "I've had a long day. I think I need a sparkable."

"I have some extra sparkable that you are more than welcome to."

verbage- "I'm so high right now, when did we sparkable?"
by Zinzin May 18, 2010
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