(v) An act or instance of blowing someone or something out an airlock or cargo hold into the vacuum of space. (i.e. to jettison).

Usually refers to executing a person or creature by exposure to hard vacuum in space, though can also refer to dumping cargo into space as well.
The terrorists will space their hostages if their demands are not met.

We must space our cargo so our ship can be more maneuverable.
by Lutrian February 17, 2004
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The one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism.
Commander! You’ve rained on my glorious parade. For this, I’m sending everything I’ve got at you, but I won’t let you have the satisfaction of capturing me. I’m escaping to the ONE place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism
*trying not to laugh*
by Windows Error April 4, 2020
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The last remaining safe heaven from the corruption of capitalism.
Tim Curry: "I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism, space!"
by Anglotard August 25, 2021
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Hitting the space button on somebody's keyboard by surprise while a music production software is running, thus causing the music to start playing.
"Dude, yesterday I was working on this cheesy love song, when suddenly my little brother's friend spaced me, then they all cracked up at me.."
by puspe December 9, 2007
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1. (n) The empty portion in your head where your brain is supposed to be.
2. (n) The word to used to describe the universe or out above the earth's atmosphere.
3. (n) An area between something that is usually empty.
4. (v) To have a blank look on one's face as if retarded.
1. Bill has a lot of space between his ears.
2. I wish I could kick your ass into space.
3. You should get that space between your teeth fixed Billy Bob.
4. When Jim was asked what his name was, all he could do is just space.
by Anonymous September 9, 2003
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What you need if you want to represent nothing with nothing.
What’s the difference between nothing and zero? Is one the empty space and the other one a numeral?
by MathPlus December 31, 2019
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