The act of sucking and snorting a penis, typically when covered in cocaine or another "snortable" drug.
David snuck in a hotel with his boyfriend, Christopher.

Christopher: Oh yeah, baby! Snuck it like a bitch!
by Dead-Dawgz December 8, 2015
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Let’s snuck tomorrow. Ok I’ll fuck the snuck out of you ;)
by SarahLovett March 31, 2018
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when one Intensely inhales snot/boogers through the nasal cavity which transports snot/boogers down to the throat which then clears out the nostrils. This can help to breathe better.
Person 1: * Intensely inhales snot through nose. Then swallows it*
Person 2: Stop! It’s not very healthy to snuck!
by May 3, 2021
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When someone sneaks up and sucks your dick when don't expect it.
A verb
Mark snuck sucked John and now they are dating.
by patriceogrady February 9, 2021
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The past tense of “sneaked” also known as “snuck
by Fuego2011 May 13, 2022
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