To give you a tryout or try to figure out what it's all about. A more civilized form of what a dog does when it...uh...sniffs your ass.
Bill: "Ooh...looks like Peter messed up on his TPS reports again. We may need to fire him."
Bob: "Peter's a bright kid, I like his style. Let's send him out to the Boston office and let those guys sniff his ass for a couple of weeks. If they don't like what they see, then we'll can the bastard."

Stan: "Peter, why don't you come out to Boston and let us sniff your ass for a little bit? Not trying to scare you, but Bill would like us to evaluate your performance."
Peter: "Man, you guys are such a bunch of brown-nosers."
by Nicholas D November 7, 2007
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Someone who farts under the covers, and they stick their head under to smell their own ass.
You must be really cold. Either that or you farted, you sniff ass!
by Lakitaari September 1, 2019
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