When you ask someone an embarrassing question and they reply by not saying anything or saying no non-convincingly, smiling/blushing and walking off.
*girl leaves bf's room walking weird*

Guy #1 - Hey did you just get it in the ass?

Girl - Noooooooo! *smiles/blushes and walks off*

Guy #2 - Straight smile denial dude.

Guy #1 - totally bro

by This_wasnt_Kaley February 6, 2012
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lesbian version of a cock block. When a friend or anyone vag blocks a lesbian from making the beast with two backs with another hot chick
Sheryl was about to get some with a hot young thing until Mary stepped in and pulled a real vertical smile denial.
by Macdonsa May 3, 2009
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A smile one makes when they are in total denial.
Joe: (whisper) "is it true you like tina?"

Fred: "NO!" (with a denial smile on his face)
by aisha faulkner December 15, 2007
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an akward smile that makes it obvious that you are denying the truth
if someone asked you if you are gay and you say no, but you were smiling , and blushing, then you have a "denial smile"

(P.S. In not gay)
by aisha faulkner December 15, 2007
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a smile that someone has when they are denying the truth

looks a little akward
joe: is it true you are GAY!!!

Fred: no (he says with a denial smile on his face
by aisha faulkner December 15, 2007
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