When the world lays in ruins the skullbusters will rise from the ashes. A group of punk kids with no morals or social conscience. Gods of almost mythological proportions, the founding members have left for places unknown. YOU can still be a skullbuster however. Just do whatever the you feel like and fuck the consequences. Remember: Laws are but cobwebs strong enough to only fetter the week. FUCK YOU JIMMY JONES!
That Skullbuster kicked my ass and fucked my women... but god did he look cool doing it!
by Kevin Long December 8, 2004
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A bunch of jackboot-wearing campground-burning thugs. Revolutionized the sport of junkie hunting. A bunch of hooligans that vitually own the pisgah national forest. They have an extreme hatred of law enforcement.
Watch out for the skullbusters, they'll stel your shit and burn your tent.
by Sex Offender 2004 December 8, 2004
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