the art of rolling up a nice phat joint using rizlas etc.
"Hey man where you at? We're just in the park skinning up a beautiful spliff, u can come down, but it will cost ya"
by Gma June 3, 2005
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When a females genitalia has unattractively large labia minora.
Man #1 "How was her minge?"
Man #2 "She had pyay skin-on-it! she had to hold it all back so i could fingerbang her"


Kelly Waters
by Tom Bright February 23, 2011
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1) (n) The lips of the vagina.

2) (n) Condom.

3) (n) Rolling papers
1) "She likes to bend over and then she spreads the skins" -- Brand Nubian (Slow down)

2) Ima buy some skins right quick
by ac January 31, 2004
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