A dumb thing that Laurence frequently says
Other quotes relating to the context "dingas but"
See also: "pingas"
"That was a really good pass bro" "yeah shot docs"
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A photo or video of someone or something failing, usually of someone getting owned to an extreme or doing something that proves that they could be out witted by a lemming. Fail Shots can often be used as evidence that the Darwin theory is alive and well.
Guy #1: Dude, I got the best fail shot earlier!
Guy #2: What of ?!?!?!?!?!
Guy #1: My fat neighbors cat jumped out of no where and scarred the crap out of him. It was total ownage!
by GC12B October 3, 2010
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Mixing Valium with a shot of alcohol for the express purpose of helping you pass out when you have to travel by airplane and are afraid of flying.
"I hate flying, but I need to take a New York to L.A. flight."
"No problem, man. Just take a Shatner Shot before you board. You'll sleep through the whole thing."
by Joel Kazoo January 5, 2014
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