An abbreviated term for a "shitty liberal".
"Dad, Timmy at school said the U.S.A. is a white supremacist country! Is that true!??"

"Son, don't listen to Timmy. He sounds like a shitlib."
by Ace of Based December 12, 2019
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Like libtard , but used by young white people instead. Using it is meant to signify that you are of the pure and true left. Invented in 2016 during Russia's misinformation campaign to allow middle class white people cosplaying as poor people (while still having well off parents) to talk down to marginalised groups who had been working within the system to change it.

The hipsters wanted Bernie, had internalized their conservative parents hatred of Hillary Clinton, and if they did not get their way, then they wanted a violent revolution. Fought by the little people of course, not them. They'd be the generals because they're all soooo smart.

Those who use use it behave as most white people do. By sharing memes and thinking that counts for political discourse. They call themselves leftists instead of liberals because Russian bots conflated the American definition with the classical definition.

The people who use it live online in bubbles of YouTube celebs and their circle jerk memes. Most often they become full on tankies because edginess is currency among these types..

The ones who use it would be conservatives and enjoy their white supremacy but alas, their boomer parents sold off their future, so to the white "leftists" begrudgingly joined the left, but decided that they needed to distinguish themselves from the liberals they were brought up to hate. So the true left in the US suddenly became shitlibs and these new brocialists deemed themselves leftist.
Omg, that poor low information voter is such a shitlib. She reads books and newspapers and watches the news instead of YouTube and meme sharing. What a tool of the system bro.
by BdoMcGregor August 30, 2022
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