When someone brings you non-bad news, or makes a statement, but then say it in a rude or a slick way, so then it sounds like an insult.
Guy #1: "Well, well, well. Looks like somebody's momma finally took them shopping."
Guy #2: "Bra, are you trying to say you like my fit?"
Guy #1: "You know me so well."
Guy #2: "Yeah. I know you like to shitcoat everything."
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An offensive and laughably awful item of clothing that defines an entire look e.g. Jose Mourinho, Mac's Duster, the entire East 17 Christmas thing and Sunraged's white monstrosity.
"There's no way that's a pen"
"The referee is not having that"
"Ah look, now Mourinho's going fucking bananas"

by Captain Mauser January 9, 2022
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