Shit on the grass is a shot made from flaoting baily's irish cream ontop of midori.
The midori being the grass, and the baily's is the shit.
Peter: What are you guys drinking?
Chris: Shit on the grass, you girlfreind had some too.
Peter: where is she?
Chris: throwing up.
by 30OTT August 2, 2006
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When you wake up one day and the grass has turned into fucking shit and when you shit it is grass
Daddy - Um why the fuck is my shit fucking grass

Mommy - Idk Did you fuck a tree?

Son - Nah bitches I just wished for a Shit Grassing. I will be mowing the shit!

Parents - WDYM Shit Grassing *looks outside* WHY THE FUCK IS THE GRASS SHIT

9-1-1 Operator - We don’t know why the damn grass is shit

Mommy - Ok

Daddy - kills everyone in the room
by Ziblicksom32 July 25, 2023
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