Something that is easy to do or a chilled task. Usually said when feeling confident about something or in response to being asked to do an easy task
“I’ll get it done no shirt” “that’s so easy I could do that no shirt” “i’ll do it no shirt”
by Fili conerz August 7, 2023
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The longest-term resident in an apartment building, whose wardrobe consists mainly of green shirts. Useful for dealing with dfs and employing people like Scrapey man. Usually solitary and hermit-like, unless provoked.
Green Shirt Man to the rescue!
by Googles January 23, 2004
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When you suck at something so bad that you’ve done past pooped your pants! The poop has now entered the shirt region!
You can do no worse that pooping your shirt!
Poop your shirt: Verb.
To do a task so terrible that it’s compared to an infant dedicating all over themselves

Ex: Man, I really pooped my shirt on that last test!
Ex: Good Luck, Don’t Poop Your Shirt
by Jordangit1 March 25, 2019
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An article of clothing that has been stretched into a V-chest not too long ago.
Brock: "Ahhh, stop strecthing it!"
Bryan: "Hahaha, it's a V-neck! lol"
Brock: "No, it's a V-chest."
Mom: "Stop stretching Brock's Shirt"
by Bjizzy in da hizz house July 29, 2011
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i just spilled wine on my church shirt.
by justme62 February 28, 2015
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When a person of large or hefty girth tucks in their shirt, only to have the back side pull back out and hang down below the belt line. Usually this is due to the large overhang on the front lower torso pulling the shirt in that direction. Usually one experiencing "Scotty shirt" will not fix the issue. Mostly due to the unwanted repetition it would require throughout the day and an overall lack of desire to look halfway decent. A person suffering from Scotty shirt is usually below reproach hygiene wise.
Hefty person #1: The back of my shirt keeps riding up and falling out when I tuck it in! Fuck it, my arms hurt, I'm just going to leave it like that. But that's part of the struggle of being fat...

Person #2: Daayyyum playa! You done got yourself a Scotty shirt!
by security dude June 27, 2014
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