In ancient Roman Empire, there was a woman named Kamilla, one of the bravest women in the world, as well as being a warrior she was also an art teacher and instead of saying shadow in paintings she said “shadou”, that’s how she got popular and where the word came from
You made a good example of shadou in this painting
Janel drew a shadou around the mug in her drawing
by shadou fighter September 26, 2022
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In Ancient Rome, there was a woman called Kamilla, she was a brave warrior but also she used to teach art to her students, so instead of using the word “shadow” in her paintings she said shadou
I showed shadou in this painting
Janel drew a great shadou in the painting
by shadou fighter September 28, 2022
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In Rome, centuries ago, when Romans couldn’t poop, they screamed “ SHADOU!” and feces came right out
You have to scream shadou now, Janell
by shadouuuuuuu February 17, 2023
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1) an unknown ninja, usually is seen thiefing fridges; mainly teh sugary kind.
2) A follower of Teh Almighty Great Pie-Sama.
3) A mass horder of caffiene, usually coke products.
4) A hater of anything pertaining to:
- Pepsi
- Lack of Coke
- Stupid people/N00bs/flamers/homophobes
/rasicts/sexists you get it. ^^
1) "That dude just went Shadou on that n00b!!111 o_O"
by Crazy pie ninja April 8, 2005
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