an offensive Quebec French acronym for sans-genie qui sait rien, a phrase meaning know-nothing retard in English.
son: yoo-hoo you SGQSR, what the hella re you doing fiddling with those pipes in the basement?

father: young man, improve your vocabulary, and talk to me comme du monde. you can even shut up and doff me a hat; I am after all your father, and FYI, im not fiddling with those pipes, im fixing the bloody plumbing.
by Sexydimma May 6, 2013
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an offensive Quebec French acronym for sans-genie qui sait rien, a phrase meaning a know-nothing retard in English.
son: yoo-hoo you SGQSR, what the hella doing fiddling with those pipes in the basement?

father: young man, improve your vocabulary, and talk to me comme du monde. you can even shut up and doff me a hat; I am after all your father.
by Sexydimma November 22, 2014
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(acronym for sans-genie qui sait rien): an offensive Quebec French phrase meaning "a know-nothing retard" in English.
son: yoo-hoo you sgqsr, what the hella doin', fiddling with those pipes in the basement?

father: young man, improve your vocabulary, and talk to me comme du monde. you can even doff me a hat; I am, after all, your father.
by Sexydimma February 7, 2015
Get the sgqsr mug.
(acronym for sans-genie qui sait rien): an offensive Quebec French phrase meaning "a know-nothing retard" in English.
son: yoo-hoo you sgqsr, what the hella doin', fiddling with those pipes in the basement?

father: young man, improve your vocabulary, and talk to me comme du monde. you can even doff me a hat; I am, after all, your father.
by Sexydimma December 7, 2016
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