A person with a running background who only has sex in his favorite position, the triathlon. Is usually cute and cudly
Dan scojed that chick hard last night
by chipotedave February 14, 2008
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To take advantage of a bro by not offering concessions to a verbal agreement after an unjust distribution, contrary to the initial agreement, occurs ex-post. Requesting delivery of the contract without regard for this or admitting any wrongdoing is necessary.
Not surprisingly, Scoj is "pulling a scoj" this year with our hockey pool. He made me buy him a 24 of beer despite taking my prearranged second place in the draft order. He was so ruthless about it he even "served" me in my room. He is a barbarian and I do not think he evens feels weird about stealing from another bro two times over.
by 73colborne April 14, 2011
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