An Indian cocain dealer who lives in the hood of north Latvia whose children are named Lamp and Blanket (in indian of course).
Person 1: Did you call sausage boy? i need my fill (of cocain).
Person 2: Yeah, he's on his way.

*Conversation originally held in Latvian
by itsbritneyyybiatchhh November 4, 2018
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A homosexual man, sausage is in referance to the penis.
Bunch of sausage boys in that club there.
by Michael A Goodrich November 30, 2006
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When your penis turns flaccid during prolonged sexual interscourse; also used as a derogatory term for penile inferiority or a racial slur towards conservative white people.
1. (Verb) Charlie got embarrassed after they fucked cause he rolled up a white boy sausage half-way through.

2. (Adj.) Mother fucker, get outta here if your weak ass white boy sausage!

3. (Noun) I'm voting for the white boy sausage on the right!!
by LepusCurpaeum November 5, 2015
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