A (Urdu) word used to describe a female companion, usually used in a very poetic or romanticized manner by very "lovey-dovey" folks. Basically translates to "girlfriend". (Sajan is the masculine use of the term)
by M. S. H. January 14, 2008
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the answer to all our prayers
one true wholly kissed love
by sajni December 14, 2004
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She likes guys with latino names like armando and wastes time doing useless shit. Don’t ask her to cook, she makes soggiest blandest quesadillas or try to go “healthy” by eating some boring ass salad. If you ask her what activity she does, a sajni will typically say “homework” yet she do anything except watch Tik Toks and netflix (she has an unhealthy obsession with greys bro wtf 16 seasons of that shit 🥴) . Some favorite catch phrases for a Sajni include “whatever makes u happy,” “what a freak,” and “WHAT A CRACKHEAD.” Claims she can roast people but in reality she’s just adds “your face” or “ew” to anything you say to her. probably will never date a guy cause she’s too awkward and a turn-off. tried too hard to fit in w the rest, is incapable of learning more than 2 sentences of a song, hopefully her grave won’t be as shallow as her personality. I would never say this to her face but she is actually yea you’ll never know
person 1: who’s that potato lookin...

person 2: oh it’s just a sajni in her natural habitat, watching greys anatomy so she can thirst over 40 year old men
by mm8yourstruly October 18, 2020
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