Xbox 360 noob. Usually plays COD MW2. He has a hacked Xbox 360. Made from a chinese guy who traded labor for a cup of Ramen Noodles. Conenction level is always in the red. But this is purposely done so other players lag, and he takes advantages of the slow players. He also takes advantage of slow girls in real life. He's probably a hispanic decent who wreaks of guacamole and tacos.
"I just got noob tubed. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got thumpered. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got RPG'd. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got Spas'd. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got AA-12'd. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got stingered. Oh, look. It's saduglymole again."

"I just got thermaled scoped. It's saduglymole again."
by EtlogPanda May 1, 2010
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