Was bullied in his early teens because he was given blood that had adis. Ryan was banned from school and moved to Indienaples were he was welcomed. When he died Michael Jackson went to his funreal with many others.
I have HIV and Ryans my hero
he's as brave as Ryan White
by Rip Ryan White May 21, 2017
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n. A mentstrual period that is especially heavy into the third day. It is almost like your uterus has Hemophilia, because it won't stop bleeding. It does not mean that you have HIV and / or AIDS, however, that could imputed from the term.
Oh my god, my cramps are so bad and I've been changing my tampon every hour or so! I'm flowing like the Red Sea - I'm having a Ryan White Period!
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Some kid that goes TO CSHS.
Not special in any way shape or form.
Person 1: do you know Ryan White?
Person 2: Oh yeah... That kid... Umm, yeah I hate him, he isn't special in any way shape or form.
Person 1: true God aye
by UwU-69 March 27, 2020
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