When the opinions of your work of art by the educated few and the general public are wildly different from one another, leaving you unsure on which you should treat as important or relevant.
Ah yes, the ole' Rotten Tomatoes Dilemma; do you listen to the critics who know what they're talking about who what you to stimulate them intellectually, or the audience who come en masse to make an emotional connection with what you've made? Which one truly matters? Which one should you take seriously? Who's opinion effects future exhibitions? Do either of them even matter?
by The Logical Fallacy June 10, 2022
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When you aren't sure if you should listen to the criticisms and opinions of the professional few (critics, analysts and your teachers) or the unprofessional many (fans, peers and the general public).
The ole' Rotten Tomatoes Dilemma: should I listen to the critics who know what they're talking about and have learned advice, or the crowd of people that like what I've made warts and all?
by The Logical Fallacy July 2, 2022
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If there is an overwhelming score rating discrepancy between the movie critics and the audience, the audience score is more trustworthy.
A: Bro did you see that overwhelmingly positive score for that movie Cuties?

B: But we hated it so much and the most folks hate it too!
A: Rotten tomato's law bro.
by throwaway04223 May 30, 2021
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