having large sums of money and bragging by throwing it in the air
Person 1: Man im in a drought right now...i have no money and no job.

Person 2: Sucks for you i can cause a Rain Shower. Im rich my man.
by CashReid October 28, 2009
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Being covered in a shower of oil (or perhaps gasoline would count) for an inexplicable reason.
The oil cap popped four feet in the air and oil sprayed out like a fountain giving me a good ole fashioned Louisiana rain shower.
by Viran July 20, 2010
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To drink a lot of coffee before engaging in the sexual act of peeing on your partner
by Sslimings September 12, 2018
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When you get a woman to stand over your head, legs spread, and she administers a douche to herself and the resulting after fluids rain down on your head.
I cant believe that Steve actually pays women to give him an acid rain shower!
by Khronepsis June 18, 2011
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