A group of analysts similar to a group of cows being called a herd, or a group of monkeys being called a troop. A group of analysts is called a query.
In the room their was a query of dedicated analysts working on the report.
by NWAnalyst December 29, 2022
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A linear algebra reference to the Excel SUMPRODUCT() function, known coloquially as SUMTOTAL, and that Google search queries or Facebook Marketplace clickstream data from 10 years ago is being used to make judgements about you today.

May also be applied to text message content, telephone call verbatims, click stream data, IEMI GPS location data data from cell-towers, and lists of contacts in cloud storage.
Engineer from some latest tech startup having bevvies at The End-Up in SF leans over to an obviously NSA guy: Hey bro, you like my new t-shirt? NSA dude sees in big print "I am not the sum total of my search queries" then runs.
by CompSciFutures May 25, 2023
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When you can only think about perfect stimulants because you had been on a marathon filled with drugs and overinflated genitals in porn. Being trapped in a fake-hype.
- can you focus a bit more?
- ringing query!!!
by mefistofelesiskis February 2, 2022
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What you get when you try to type “quertyuiop” with auto-correct on
Informal “quotes union
American “queen on utopia

Used in (rarely) speaking:
Query hip got your tongue?
by The shoe on a shelf September 26, 2020
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