A legal term for someone who is charged with committing theft of hairs or fur from the pubic region of humans or animals. PHT (Pubic Hair Theft) is written under chapter 56 paragraph 22.1 of the legal and legisism act of 1754 in only 2 countries in the world. These two countries are not known, but researchers have found that they lye somewhere near the earths equator, in a region known as no mans land or NML.
In court the judge read out the charges: Right Mr Demp-C your have been charged with PHT - Pubic Hair Theft, how do you plead?

Mr Demp-C screamed like a gorilla as he unbuttoned his shirt and ripped off his pants shouting. "I'm Guilty, Guilty as charged!"
by wuddawhist March 15, 2012
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