Came from an accident, but I think of it now as a combination of psycho and asshole.
Why are you dating him? He's such a psychole!
by thorntonk June 22, 2011
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The entropolitical* cycle of things like Rabbit Holes and Robotalls, Robotrolls* and Troll-e-BoTs, Botigamy and, Perish the Thought: BotigArmies*?
Psycholes 'Trump' almost anything. It takes IQEQ Emotelligence to contain, turn and nexploit* them, but it is being done in growing Counter-Narrative. "Nec minute ... " PEACE!

It's a Psychole. You enter one word and end up with 5 or Baker's Dozen more to enter. Confound it! Urban Dictionary is exactly what I'm talking about! 😎😂😍

Some of the GIFs are hard to relate to. Can I enter my own in this Psychole*?
by PartisanZ March 28, 2022
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Cyclic Psychological aka Psychopathic 'Rabbit' Hole ... used in Right-Wing-Narrative Disruption where Cycles are irrevocably diseased and putridly unhealthy.
THe* Pscychole of War.

Antibiotic Death-Psycholes rather than Probiotic Life-Cycles.
by PartisanZ March 12, 2022
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1. ’Psychologists can’t Psycholicate’ a bar used by ‘Grizz’ meaning that he is so ments even physiologists can’t fix it.

2. Unable to fix within psychological needs
The phycologists can not Psycholicate me
by Bily Handsmith January 26, 2020
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