The chronic state of having painfully bunched up proverbial underwear, the all too common mindset in current times state of being that is eager to take offense to anything possible and taking everything the wrong way. Synonymous with the rampant chips on the shoulders of American citizens who prefer to constantly have some axe to grind, rather than accept that they don’t have the answers and that they cannot trust their leaders.
A) During COVID I was met with the problem bottoms of the malcontent public, who are irritated by my existence or standing near them. B) My former neighbor had serious problem bottoms regarding me, to the point that she called the police on me and lied to them. When I had to go to court, she beat her problem bottoms into the ground, paying a lawyer to drag out my court case and eventually being considered crazy by the entire New Orleans Municipal Court House.
by Maggie The Cat September 22, 2023
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