Pre-dating is when someone who is in a relationship that they anticipate will end shortly begins meeting up with other people of romantic interest on date-like encounters.

This is usually done in order to gauge levels of mutual attraction and put out feelers of interest before breaking off the existing relationship in order to hasten the transition from being in a couple to dating new people.

Pre-dating can be distinguished from traditional infidelity because it involves identifying areas of romantic tension to follow-up on in the future rather than engaging in a physical or emotional affair in the present. The practice involves deceiving a person's existing partner, however, and many people see it as nothing but straight-forward cheating.
Since me and my girlfriend are probably breaking up when she moves overseas next month, I thought I'd do a bit of pre-dating and see what else is out there.
by K.C.R March 11, 2011
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the state of disgust caused by the realization that the dried date you are about to eat looks like a cockroach
Sid: I don't want to eat this...
Jerry: You're just suffering from pre-date jitters! That's not a cockroach...
by srav December 27, 2011
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Two people go out on a what seems like a date but nothing occurs after the nights events. The time between the pre-date date and the actual date can be any amount of time but must be after a whole 24 hours. The male on the date doesn't necessarily have to pay.
A man and a woman who have know each other for quite sometime run into each other at a coffee shop and they decide to sit together. They talk about deeper things instead of small talk. Then they go their separate both knowing that something more will occur. This is a pre-date date.
by The love psychologist September 20, 2013
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The act of getting to know a person prior to dating them in a romantic way
by Rozanina March 15, 2019
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Talking to someone while also not talking to others and doing things couples do, but you're not dating.
by Abrein March 12, 2020
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